"Live Inspired and Be the Spark": An Interview with Miss LifeWalk 2024
Published: 10-25-2024 | 5 MIN READ | Author: Andie Carver
While many of my team members worked Miss LifeWalk 2024 to ensure that the event ran smoothly, I had the pleasure of attending and giving the show my full, undivided attention. The Station 4 dance floor was decorated with neon colors, streamers and balloons, and black lights that provided a vibrant glow to the scenery. The pageant was divided into three sections: walk and introduction, talent, and interview and presentation. In the Best Glow Up challenge, contestants displayed a “before” photo of the first time they ever wore makeup or dressed in drag, and their final look of the night served as their “after.”
Marsha Dimes and Betty SiSonnet cohosted the event, stitching each section together with comedy and their own talents. And, of course, loveable Aunt Marge, Miss LifeWalk 2023 herself, offered sass, wit, and grace. (Upon seeing Aunt Marge for the first time, the friend I brought to the show, who’s new to the Dallas queer scene, leaned over and asked, “Is that Nancy Reagan?”)
I felt like I was watching Bring It On because these queens brought it. Shantae Morgan and Salem Moon both sang live, while Adrenalynn Rush, Kylere Valore D’Vine, and Sniffany performed creative renditions of dance and lip syncing. Adrenalynn had backup dancers and heart-stopping death drops. Sniffany used a viral sound (and a clarinet!) to wow the audience. Kylere served full face and body. Their gowns and body suits glittered under the hot lights, and their waists and cheekbones were snatched.
It was no surprise to me when Shantae Morgan was crowned Miss LifeWalk 2024. Not only does she have a voice I could listen to in full concert, but she is also poised and professional. While the other contestants were stunning and exceptionally talented, I believe it was Shantae’s presentation, her speech on the importance of community healthcare, that won the judges over. If you missed the show, you’ll catch some of Shantae’s impressive prowess in this interview. I got to sit down with Shantae (a.k.a. Roscoe Compton-Kelly) to ask a few questions about her experience that night at the show and about her upcoming reign.
How did it feel to win Miss LifeWalk after winning Miss Big Thickette the weekend prior? Were you thinking you had it in the bag?
Shantae: Gosh, I did not think I had it in the bag at all.
It’s funny, I told my friend I wanted to win the Best Glow Up challenge. “If nothing else,” I thought, “I’m going to make sure I really nail this before-and-after photo.”
So, winning the crown was really exciting!
When I saw the advertisements for Miss LifeWalk and I saw the other queens that were competing too, I was like, “This is going to be a hell of a competition!”
I have been following Salem Moon for some time now, and I’m a big fan. I also have a lot of respect for Adrenalynn, Kylere, and Sniffany. I knew everybody would bring their best out to shine that night—and they did! After the show, I made it a point to tell them, because I know it’s not easy, especially since I learned later it was Adrenalynn’s and Kylere’s first competition.
Before the show, I told myself that I was going to bring full Shantae, everything that she is and everything I bring to the table, and that was what I delivered that night.
What did it feel like to receive the crown from Aunt Marge, Miss LifeWalk 2023?
Shantae: Well, Aunt Marge and I are very close. We’re close friends, and she’s in Sisters-in-Action with me. For years, we have all been kind of this close-knit group of sisters.
Aunt Marge and I also both competed in Miss Big Thickette and Miss LifeWalk last year, and I told Marge, “I want you to win this. I want this for you because you’ve worked so hard.” It was this beautiful moment because both of us had put so much work, time, and effort into that competition.
But now Aunt Marge has stepped down as Miss LifeWalk, and I’m coming right in behind her. It’s just a special moment for the both of us. I think we both have been extremely emotional over the last couple of weeks because we knew what it meant to each other, and we knew the impact that we were making.
Marge has thoroughly enjoyed her time as Miss LifeWalk, and she knew what I wanted to do for the community and the effort that I’ve been putting in. She told me, “This is your moment, so take it because you worked for this, and you’ve advocated for this organization for years; and now it’s your time.”
What does this title mean to you?
Shantae: I love Prism’s mission, and I love that you’re providing community healthcare, safe sex resources, and the knowledge to help empower our community. I’ve utilized the resources too. I’ve always said I want to help and give back to Prism in some way.
I have been raising money for Prism Health North Texas and other organizations for a very long time, and it’s something that I love doing. The Sisters-in-Action and I have hosted brunches and different events over the years.
The real win to me isn’t the tiara or the sash. Having this title means getting to advocate through a larger platform for the issues I care about.
What health initiatives or causes are you most passionate about supporting during your reign?
Shantae: I would say HIV support is a big one for multiple reasons.
I’ve come across so many young people, and they’ll tell me, “Oh, I’m not on PrEP,” and I’m thinking to myself, “Why not?” I have relatives who live with HIV/AIDS. I have best friends who live with HIV/AIDS.
When I came out, one of the things my mom said to me was, “Are you sick?” I didn’t understand at the time, but come to find out my uncle, who was her youngest brother, had actually contracted HIV/AIDS, and she had just found out about him.
In the African American community, there was a special stigma behind it, like, “This is what happens when you come out.”
It’s interesting to me that we’ve kind of come around to this full circle again, where people feel like they’re invincible for some reason. The HIV rates in South Dallas are rising, and I think that’s partly because there’s still a stigma attached to it.
Access to PrEP is so easy now, and most times, it’s free or very inexpensive. It’s important to me to get the word out.
Do you have anything else that you would really want the audience to know about you?
Shantae: My personal mission statement is live inspired and be the spark. Things like this inspire me. I want to be that catalyst for people to really ignite that flame in them and get them going. If I’ve done that, that’s a win for me.
Congratulations to Shantae Morgan, Miss LifeWalk 2024! May her reign be impactful and fabulous.
About Roscoe Compton-Kelly/Shantae Morgan
Roscoe Compton-Kelly is a dynamic leader with over two decades of experience in education, non-profit management, and community service. As the Founder and CEO of Embyr Consulting Group, he leverages his expertise to help businesses achieve sustainable growth. His career began at Scholastic Inc., where he held leadership roles, later serving as CEO of Education Opens Doors (EOD). During his tenure, EOD expanded its reach, providing students with critical college and career readiness skills. Roscoe also dedicates himself to supporting marginalized communities through his involvement with Dallas Hope Charities, LGBT Outdoors, and the Turtle Creek Chorale.
Roscoe’s influence extends into the LGBTQIA+ community through his drag persona, Shantae Morgan. For the past decade, Shantae has raised thousands of dollars for North Texas LGBTQIA+ organizations, bringing joy and support through advocacy and fundraising. Currently reigning as Miss Big Thickette and Miss LifeWalk, Shantae continues to champion sexual health and resources within the community, leaving a lasting impact through both performance and philanthropy.