A Message from Dr. Morris-Harris
Published: 03-17-2020 | 1 MIN READ | Author: Prism Health North Texas
To All Prism Health North Texas Patients,
Most of you have heard about federal and local agencies trying to stop the spread of coronavirus/COVID-19 disease. At Prism Health North Texas (PHNTX), your providers are talking daily with experts and each other to lessen this disease in the patient population. To help, we have rescheduled basic follow-up appointments and lab appointments. Staff will be contacting many of you by phone to discuss your care and follow up.
Staff can test any patient who has a fever of more than 100F, a cough, shortness of breath, or flu-like symptoms. All patients coming into the clinics will be asked questions to screen for the coronavirus. If any of the questions are positive, patients will be guided to an isolation room. Friends and family members joining the visit will be screened too. Only patients will be allowed in the isolation room where nose and throat samples will be collected by a provider.
If you are new or returning to HIV care, receive Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), or are in need of being seen for a sexually transmitted infection or post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) please call us and keep your appointment or urgent visit.
PHNTX will keep normal business hours and see patients with urgent needs. All routine visits and prescription questions and refills will be handled by phone.
Please be careful – avoid groups of five or more, wash your hands often with warm water and soap for 20 seconds, don’t shake hands, keep a 6 –foot space between you and others, get a thermometer, take your temperature if you feel ill. Drink one gallon of water per day. Call your provider at PHNTX for fever of more than 100F, a cough, or flu-like symptoms. We are here for you!
If you feel stressed and need to speak with a counselor call- 214-421-7848.
Thank you,
Deborah Morris-Harris MD
Chief Medical Officer
Prism Health North Texas