Honor Women’s History Month by Engaging in Conversation & Increasing Knowledge

Published: 03-18-2021 | 1 MIN READ | Author: Prism Health North Texas

Prism Health North Texas (PHNTX) is honoring Women’s History Month by continuing conversations about women’s sexual and reproductive health in order to end stigma and encourage healthy habits for women across North Texas. As part of their efforts to answer questions and inspire understanding, the organization is hosting a virtual town hall live streamed on Facebook and Youtube on Wednesday, March 24, 2021 at 6 PM for all Texas women.

For women to be physically and emotionally healthy, their sexual and reproductive health cannot be ignored. Constitutional protections alone have not ensured accessible and affordable health services for all women, so it is up to individuals to increase their understanding of their rights. Amy Barrier, Nurse Practitioner at PHNTX, Helen Zimba, HIV Programs Manager at the Afiya Center, and Melissa Finch-Carr, LMSW at UT Southwesterm will lead the conversation.

“I have worked at PHNTX for three years and many of my patients are women who have confided in me and asked questions that I wish every woman had the chance to ask in her life,” Ana Fuentes, Behavioral Intervention Specialist said. “Our attendees will be able to ask those questions to our excellent panel of experts on these matters and our goal with this event is to give women the opportunity to enrich their knowledge, make informed decisions, and be able to request changes that will improve their quality of life.”

The town hall aims to increase knowledge on why and how women can access PrEP and nPEP, normalize and destigmatize conversations around sexual partner’s HIV status and STI history, and how to learn to identify and combat intimate partner violence. Attendees will be empowered to become more comfortable with condom negotiation, disclosing status, and setting rules for consent.

“In honor of Women’s History Month, we invite you to join our panel of subject matter experts from various agencies that provide a variety of women’s health services, including interpersonal violence, medical services, HIV/STI testing and treatment, and trans services,” said Brandon Corpus, Behavioral Intervention Specialist at PHNTX. “Our panel also works closely with special populations important to this conversation, including black and transgender women. We hope everyone walks away empowered about their own sexual health.”

Those with questions for the panel of experts may submit them to [email protected].

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Author: Prism Health North Texas

PHNTX is committed to providing healthcare for all North Texans in a non-judgmental and affirming environment. The organization strives to remove the barriers that prevent any individual from accessing quality healthcare. PHNTX stands for health equity, especially for marginalized populations including people living with HIV, LGBTQIA+, and ethnic minorities. Every individual has the right to affordable, accessible health care and the opportunity to attain their highest level of health.

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